Saturday, May 09, 2009
Oboma Deliveres It

The "Winning Slogan" the Democrat National Committee came up with after 80,000 contest entries to put down Rush Limbaugh. It took two days for the Democrats in West Palm Beach to realize their lame billboard ironically slammed the President.
Lets look at the first one hundred days of socialism Obama Style.
$787 billion in Pork largest in history....
$3.5 trillion federal budget, more then was spent by every president sense George Washington...
$1 trillion budget deficit...
Federal takeover of the auto industry, Federal takeover of the banks and mortgage industry...
Taxpayers on the hook for these mortgage defaults...
Trillions in Bailouts, TARP, TALF, TIFF, PPPIP, all under the table, while demonizing capitalism,
punishing and threatening private sector... Reinstating the failed welfare system
An average of over 600,000 jobs lost each month sense the election.
Raising taxes on the heart of Americans employer, small business...
An administration of soviet style CZARS, at have never run business, tax cheats, anti-American communists and anti-Israel " antisemitic Bigots".
They have closed the prison Gitmo and releasing trained terrorist on American soil....
Compromise security by releasing Top National Security documents...
Abolished interrogation techniques that have saved thousands of American lives and tied the hands of investigators...
Actually threatened to prosecute Bush Administration officials for protecting our country..
Federal funding, taxpayer money that promote abortion and infanticide over seas.
Federal funding for embryonic stem cell research that has only produced failure after failure, for the purpose of prop up the abortion industry...
Passed a bill that if implemented would socialize the health care industry and ration both health care and medicine...
Failing to adopt policy that would create jobs and make us energy independent, for some windmill farms and solar energy that could never replace our oil based economy.
Shackle our economy with cap-and-trade schemes that would raise the coast of every thing from food to electricity...
Making nice with Ahmadinejad who intends to launch nuclear missals into Israel to bring in a new radical Islamic Jihad ( the Great Tribulation)
No response to North Korea's launching of ballistic missile over Japan...
And a World apology tour where he made nice with Americas sworn enemies and spiting on our allies. What happens in the next hundred days, A Rush to Failure.