Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Global Warming melts my Dodge

Who would have thought the prophet ALGore would be right. Global Warming melted my dodge. ALGore new religion dubbed the Goonies by Rush Limbaugh has sent out Apostles who warn this summer will be hotter then it has been all year long.
Prophet Gore's Ten Commandments
To forestall Judgment Day in the form of planetary crisis Gore decrees legislative change.
I. Thou shalt impose an immediate"carbon freeze"on U.S. co2 emissions.
II. Though shalt replace payroll taxes with new pollution (co2) taxes.
III. Thou shalt take a portion of carbon-tax revenues and give to the poor.
IV. Thou shalt create a new international Kyoto Treaty and ratify by 2010.
V. Thou shalt institute a moratorium on coal-fires power plants construction.
VI. Thou shalt make a "ELECTRANET" for my people to feed excess energy back into the grid.
VII. Thou shalt raise CAFE (fuel economy) standards on cars.
VIII. Thou shalt ban incandescent light bulbs by date certain.
IX. Thou shalt create CNMA ("Connie Mac") , a "carbon-neutral" mortgage association for my people to finance energy-saving technologies.
X. Thou shalt order the Securities and Exchange Commission to require corporations to disclose CO2 emissions as a "material risk."
Labels: Global Warming