Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Mission Defeat

“ The war is lost,” declared Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D,NV). There’s no military solution for this, “ said Sen. Barack Osama Obama (D, IL). “The starting place is to end the bleeding sore that is the war in Iraq,” said ex-Sen. John Edwards (D, NC).
“This war is a disaster … we must end this war,” said Gov. Bill Richardson (D, NM).
To Democrats, winning is not an option.
Some Democrats pretend there’s some sort of triangulation possible between winning and losing, a third way, where we don’t win or lose, we simply “re-deploy,” in Jack Murtha’s formulation. “This is not a football game; this is not win or lose,” asserted Sen. Joe Biden (D, DE). “This is not America’s war to win or lose,” Said Mrs. Bill Clinton (D, NY).
Sorry, but words mean things. If we don’t win, we lose. Our enemies know this. Muhammad Saadi, a senior leader of Islamic Jihad in Jenin, says the Democrats’ talk of withdrawal from Iraq make him feel “very proud from the great successes of the Iraqi resistance,” according to World Net Daily. Saadi adds that U.S. withdrawal would “prove the resistance is the most important tool and that this tool works. The victory of the Iraqi revolution will mark an important step in the history of the region and in the attitude regarding the United States.”
After President Bush vetoed the Democrat’ $124 billion “emergency spending” bill that included Democrat timelines for a withdrawal (with most of the 146,000 troops in Iraq to start leaving by October 1), Nancy Pelosi [miss america ] complained: “The President isn’t listening to the American people’s call to end this disastrous war. What further proof do they need than the timing of his veto? The President vetoed our bill that would end this war and bring our troops home the week of the fourth anniversary of his infamous ‘Mission Accomplished’ speech.”
Mrs. Bill Clinton, too lambasted Bush on this anniversary. That “Mission Accomplished” speech, sneered Mrs. Clinton, was “one of the most shameful episodes in American history … The only mission he accomplished was the reelection of Republicans.” (Which was, of course, an excellent thing, Mrs. Clinton.)
“We are not abandoning our heartfelt view that the mission needs to change,” insisted Sen. Chuck Schumer (D, NY). Exactly. Democrats want to change the mission from victory to defeat.
June Limbaugh Letter